SNAAR Festival
Which music matches your personality? Can your hand stay in ice water for a longer period of time if you listen to your favourite music? Test yourself, challenge yourself and get inspired by your favourite music and greatest scientist of all times and violinist: Albert Einstein.
Watch a mini-opera about Einstein, drink cocktails from Erlenmeyer flasks, explore and challenge yourself – SNAAR brings an ode to curiosity!
The first edition of SNAAR festival will take place at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht on May 28th, 2022. At SNAAR music and science unite!
Get enchanted by renowned scientist en musicians, participate in the experiments and explore more about yourself!

​SNAAR Festival is a initiative of Merel Vercammen and the Resonance Foundation, of which Merel is artistic director. SNAAR is supported by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, KF Hein Fonds, Utrecht Municipality, Het Kersjes Fonds and De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.